Investing in the future. Premier FOOD Group is the general sponsor of the prize fund at Franchise Camp 2024

Investing in the future. Premier FOOD Group is the general sponsor of the prize fund at Franchise Camp 2024

Investing in the future. Premier FOOD Group is the general sponsor of the prize fund at Franchise Camp 2024

The most anticipated event of the fall - Franchise Camp 2024 - will start in a few days. Brave, conscious Ukrainian entrepreneurs will gather in the Carpathians to spend 3 intense days of networking, brainstorming, and enjoyable recreation.

The goal of this year's camp is to create businesses for veterans. The winning team will receive UAH 1 million to implement their idea. Later, the Franchise Camp will develop a franchise for this business, which veterans will be able to purchase on grant terms.

Premier FOOD Group with its own brand of hot dogs Mr.Grill has become the general sponsor of the prize fund at Franchise Camp 2024 and allocates UAH 1,000,000 for the implementation of a business idea.

The team of the main sponsor of the prize fund gave an interview and talked about motivation, common values, expectations from cooperation, and the role of sponsors in supporting social initiatives.

What was the main motivation for becoming the general sponsor of the prize fund of this project?

"The main motivation was our desire to contribute to positive changes in Ukrainian society and sincerely support the veterans who defended our future. We believe that supporting veterans in setting up their own businesses will be an important step towards their integration and help them return to civilian life."

How do the values or ideas of this project align with those of your company?

"One of the core values of Premier FOOD Group is to support people. We always emphasize the importance of social responsibility and support for Ukrainians." 

Premier FOOD Group adds:

Providing opportunities for economic independence for veterans through entrepreneurship is in line with our commitment to promote social integration and social contribution. This initiative underscores our belief in the importance of inclusiveness and social responsibility by helping veterans become full participants in the country's economic life.

What are your expectations from this cooperation?

"We expect to build strong partnerships with veterans to help them realize their business potential. Premier FOOD Group is eager to see new businesses that will become a catalyst for the recovery and development of the Ukrainian economy."

What results or achievements would you like to see after the project is completed?

"The company wants to see successfully implemented business projects that will help veterans not only integrate into civilian life, but also inspire other veterans and entrepreneurs to take similar initiatives. We want to make our country better!" 

How does this project stand out from the others you've already participated in as a sponsor?

"Franchise Camp 2024 is special because it is directly targeted at veterans who often face obstacles on their way back to civilian life."

Premier FOOD Group adds:

This project does not just provide assistance, but offers veterans specific tools and support to start their own businesses. Unlike other projects that focus on general charity, Franchise Camp aims to create long-term economic sustainability for veterans by helping them build a new life and benefit our country.

What do you think is the role of sponsors in supporting such socially important initiatives?

"Sponsors play an important role by providing the necessary resources and support that make socially important initiatives come to life. They help draw attention to the project and contribute to its success, which in turn inspires others to join the charity."

Do you have any experience of working with veterans or supporting social initiatives? How did this experience influence your decision to invest in the camp?

"We are actively involved in various charitable projects aimed at supporting Ukrainian communities, especially in the face of current challenges. Our charitable initiatives include helping our defenders and supporting families affected by military operations. We constantly cooperate with national and local charitable foundations, allocating significant resources to implement socially important projects."

"It is our duty as a society to ensure that those who defended us are supported and have the opportunity to realize their potential in a peaceful life."

What are the key criteria for you when choosing the winners? What do you hope to see in the business ideas?

"We are looking for business ideas that are practical, innovative and have the potential to achieve significant social impact. The business model must be financially viable and have the potential for sustainable growth."

"Our company sincerely believes that the projects we have created will be able to solve real problems and create employment opportunities for our veterans. This will facilitate their integration into civilian life, while increasing the economic potential and social cohesion of our country."

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