The Mr.Grill recipes: sausages "Dusseldorf with cheese" in the oven

Рецепти від Mr.Grill: ковбаски "Дюссельдорфські з сиром" у духовці

Ideal, slightly smoked sausages without skin are “Dusseldorf with cheese”, which everyone likes for its tender taste and nice structure. The sausages are made of choice coarsely ground minced meat with small pieces of lard and hard cheese.

Even the most experience housewives sometimes get tired and need fast and simple recipes. The sausages in the oven are just like this. We guarantee you’ll like it!

Preheat the oven to 190°C. Grease the grill pan with olive oil and heat it well. Fry the semi-smoked sausages “Dusseldorf with cheese” for 2-3 minutes on each side to form a crispy crust.

Cut the onion into half rings and stew lightly in a pan.

Pour a little red wine into a baking form and put onion, add salt and pepper to taste. Place the fried sausages on the top and bake in the oven for 35 minutes.

Serve hot the ready aromatic sausages with the onion-wine sauce!

Enjoy your meal!

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